Shamanism is the oldest type of spiritual practice identified by mankind that has been there since hundreds of thousands of years all over the globe. The ancient method is ingrained deeply with our mind and is too powerful. Shamans are the keepers of old techniques that are used to preserve energetic synergy and equilibrium within themselves. In shamanism, the preservation of a person’s individual power is of immense importance to ones well being. Shamanic practice and Shamanic Healing allow you to have the ultimate control over your own life and the power to help others with how to connect with all of creation. The workshops and Shamanism UK courses that are offered in Wales are life altering; they have an abundance of theoretical and practical knowledge which will improve your life quality.

What exactly is a Shaman?

A Shaman is basically a Healer, a counselor and a guide for the people. A shaman understands that everything has a spirit and also that all the energies are connected. He would walk between the two different worlds to gain help, guidance and knowledge. They call upon the energies of nature and spiritual energies to give shamanic healing to the people and land. Shamans use drums, rattle feathers and many other natural items to do this job, treating all the things with respect.

What is Shamanic Healing?

Shamanic healing is a healing custom in the world, and it is still capable of curing and healing people today like it did for our ancestors. In our hard modern day society we have become disconnected from the earth and there is a division between man/woman and nature. When this partition happens we become helpless to Illness, disease, attracting negative energies. Reconnecting with nature brings equilibrium and heals back our life. A shamanic healer would look to face these issues using soul recovery, power recovery, spirit extraction and energy re-balancing, to bring their customer back into stability with life. Shamanic healing works for every age background or race and are also helpful in dealing with the following:-

Feeling like something is lost or vanished
Relationship issues
Dealing with death, depression or abuse
Helping with buried traumatic incidents
Lack of confidence
Finding a direction or focus in your life 
Feeling stuck in life
Dealing with bad luck
Require more clarity 
Any kind of physical disease and ache

Western medication only focus at the physical signs of illness and disease where as shamanism focuses at the whole body, brain and spirit to recognize what has caused the clients suffering. The nature of this job is very deep and reveals the root of the issue; it is helpful to have the bravery and commitment to the journey needed to heal. A shaman healing assembly will normally last for 2 hours but in some cases it will take more time depending on the person. Although a single session is normally enough, but a follow up session can also be required after a few months. 


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